Savage Seas: Perished Glory pt. I

Saturday December 15, 2012 at 6:00pm savage worlds, savage seas, game session notes Comments (0) »

[auxilliary scene]

- Back on the Wind's Wings, the deck hands were hailed by a group of men in long boats approaching the vessel.  The approaching men claimed captain Collette had sent them to the ship to retrieve additional tools and blasting supplies from the ship's hold.  Once some were on board, they turned on the Wind's Wings' crew.  The ensuing battle was bloody and hard-fought, but the Wind's Wings' crew ultimately prevailed.

[.end auxilliary scene]


- meanwhile, the group in the goblin canyon decided to make a break for the surface.  being stealthy was going to be difficult if not impossible and they really didn't want to engage an entire civilization in combat, but options seemed limited.  As they darted down catwalks and through stone halls, they did their best to avoid groups of the goblins.  They didn't realize until too late that they were being intentionally drive downward - deeper into the hive.

- ultimately, the group ended up cornered and driven into a large cavernous hall filled with dozens of goblins.  These, however, had a very different appearance to those they had previously encountered.  Their skin was more of a blue grey, and they wore nice though exceptionally worn robes and exotic jewelry tarnished with age.  One sat on a large throne in the far corner of the room.  When they entered, he began speaking to them.

- the goblin "king" informed them that they - and their fellow "creatures" - were encroaching upon his territory.  He told them that they had three days to leave the island or else they would be annihalated.  One of the other goblins seemed to want to say something, but the king quieted her.  The group was then permitted to leave the hall through a tunnel that ultimately led them back to the forest on the surface.

- upon returning to the beach, they began telling the expedition leaders about the situation and that the island wasn't safe, when they were interrupted by some commotion further inland.  Making its way through the encampment was a small, hooded figure.  When it removed its hood, the group recognized the goblin from that had tried to speak in the king's hall.

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