
Tuesday March 8, 2005 at 9:36am auto repair Comments (0) »

It could be that the title of this post means that i automatically get irritated in certain situations. It could also be that those situations are the ones that involve automobiles.

I seem to be having some bad luck with respect motor vehicles lately. A couple weeks ago I got into a bit of a fender-bender when everyone on the interstate decided to slam on their brakes (most likely because the people at the bottom of the upcoming exit lacked knowledge of the concept of 'merging' - a deficiency that seems to be particularly common in TN) and now, as of last night, someone scraped up the side of my jeep in our apartment's parking lot and didn't bother to leave any sort of note or anything. (this makes the second such incident that i know of in our parking lot) This bent my right mirror out of position and left white paint scrapes on my wheel-wells. It looks like whoever it was just scraped the entire side of the jeep. I can only assume they didn't care because it would take a special kind of stupid to scrape that much and not notice. Grr.

Oh well...


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