Penguins everywhere, Unite!

Saturday March 19, 2005 at 3:21pm penguins Comments (1) »

More randomness.

As of yesterday, I have discovered that small objects fashioned in the image of penguins are drawing themselves to me. As I opened my bathroom cabinet to get my hairbrush yesterday, I noticed a small koosh-ball-like penguin staring back at me from its place next to my deoderant. I paused for a minute before realizing i had never seen this penguin before. Later that evening, as some of us were gaming, there was a knock on my door. This struck me as odd because everyone who would be knocking on my door at 11pm on a friday was already there. After getting no answer to tony's 'who is it?', we opened the door to find a small altoids box. Inside it there was a butane lighter made in the shape of a penguin! Penguins and fire in one package! How can you go wrong with that!?

Special thanks to Tony ("Llama") Stanton and Wendy Alexander for furthering my penguin collection. :)


Llama says...

Not much more to say that.

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