Ninja Munchkin Ticket to Carcassonne

Tuesday May 31, 2005 at 11:55am gaming Comments (2) »

It was a good weekend. The game friday night went pretty well, even though we only had 4 party members of a possible 7 or so.

saturday evening we went to dice to play pirate's cove - though we didn't actually play that game. by the time we all got there, two games were already going and we weren't going to have time to start a new one... we played carcassonne instead - which, unlike the 'city' version of the game, is not so complicated that it causes the players to lose the will to live (as william put it). It's a pretty fun game... i'll have to get eventually. I didn't end up winning, but i had the strangest city on the board.

on sunday i got an idea for a new game of my own. i told gigner and llama that the idea has some aspects of most of the games we've played recently and this prompted them to think up the running development title for this game - which is also the title of this post.

until next time...


The Evilest Penguin says...

Sherrod, its Ginger. Not Gigner.

Penguinsushi says...

i know ;) ~PS

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