I'm it!?

Wednesday November 9, 2005 at 12:27pm memes, thinking too much Comments (10) »

Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later. I've been assimilated into a blog ring(ish) game. This is all Punkie's doing. Not that this is unexpected. I mean, she has 'punk' right there in her alias. ;)

So here's the game:


The rules are:

Search your blog archive. Find your 23rd post. Find the fifth sentence (this is meant to say something about you). Post that sentence in your blog along with these instructions. Tag five people to do the same.

My 23rd post, 5th sentence:
"me: "no, i think you have the wrong number""


That happens to be from This Blog post - which some of you may remember.

It could be my rebellious nature, or it could be that i'm just too lazy, or it could be that the whole thing reminds me too much of chain letters and spam, but i'm gonna have to break the rules on this game a bit by not 'tagging' anyone else.

I only have about 3 friends whose blogs i read anything like regularly (or who read my blog anything like regularly)(that is, until Llama gets one - though he would probably play along), and while Punkie didn't say "no tag-backs!", i believe it was implied. That leaves me with 2 others. Ginger has told me in so many words that she's not as amused by blog games as some, and i'm thinking Kevin's not the right sort of goofy for it. However, i will offer a shotgun attempt at compliance: if anyone reading this thinks it sounds like fun, consider yourself shot. er...'tagged' ('cept you, Punkie).

The cynical part of me tends to think that such blog games sort of violate the spirit of the blog. A blog, as it were, is generally a place for people to say things that they want to say, but really don't care who's listening. It's a sort of way of sharing thoughts, opinions and experiences with people who might actually care without having to have a captive audience including people who don't. As such, blog games seem to just be giving people something to yap about when they really don't have anything to say. (somewhat like supercalifragilisticexpialadocious)

A happier and somewhat more goofy part of me likes Mary Poppins and thinks that websites in general (including blogs) are, for most non-commercial users, in existance only for their enjoyment. As such, they're free to use them however they may choose and even sharing things that have absolutely no intelectual or philosophical merit can still promote community and fun between friends. Party on.

As usual, i think i've thought too much about this.


The Evilest Penguin says...

I'll play along, but the 5th sentance of my 23rd post is dull: "They're buying a house." What's this say about me, exactly? ggg

Penguinsushi says...

uhm...that you knew someone who was buying a house? Yeah, not exactly deep insights into your personality. ~PS

Llama says...

Actually Jared's says loads about him. Jared knew that she had the wrong number, but he said "I think you have the wrong number." This shows that Jared is unsure of his reality around him because in some strange corner of his mind, perhaps he was answering the phone in an apt that wasn't his despite the fact that it looked, smelled, felt, sounded like, and probably the food even tasted like his apt. Plus the fact that he woke up in it. Poor Jared, what's it like to be so paranoid?

Penguinsushi says...

Interesting, but not terribly accurate. However, in my head at the time, i chose to say "i think you have the wrong number" for two reasons: 1) She easily could have had the right number, but merely dialed it incorrectly - which, i might add, turned out to be the case. (even if she couldn't figure that out) 2) using indefinite qualifiers such as 'i think', 'maybe' or 'you might try' takes the edge off of statements that could otherwise come across as 'hey stupid'. Even if i thought (and later blogged) 'hey stupid', i generally don't enjoy irritating, upsetting or angering people, so i try to be friendly and unassuming. ~PS

Llama says...

Yes, yours may be more logical (and my actual assumption as to your actions) but mine is far more interesting.

Punkie says...

Remind me not to play any more blog games with you =P j/k Oh, and I appreciate that you followed the implied "no tagback" rule. Its very stressful to think of 5 people who might play and enjoy this sort of thing. I once had a similar issue with an underwear mail ring I was a part of. Nevermind... =P

Llama says...

That sounds like a fun game. Wait...was it your underwear? Cuz i don't think anyone wants to recieve used undies, at least not mine. However, I am all about mailing random stuff to people. That sounds like a fun game. Lets all get together, find the newest Milligan magazine and mail random stuff to alumni we know. We'll find a way to include Punkie too.

Punkie says...

No, it wasn't my used panties. It was one of those annoying letters that you get that tells you to send the letter to 7 friends and put your name at the bottom and then send a *new* pair of underwear to the top person on the list. You know how those pyramid schemes work... you're supposed to send out a few pairs and get back 100 or something. I never sent mine out... I was a loser and ruined the whole chain. People are still probably paying for my laziness. Some poor girl is still waiting for her 100th pair of panties. IIRC, she had labeled "no thongs" next to her name.

Kjp says...

they depend on mom and dad for $

Llama says...

So its supposed to be underwear they can wear. Hmmmm.....There goes my plans of sending out Spider-Man underroos to all my friends and random strangers. I have happy memories of Spider-Man underroos and Master of the Universe underroos, but those are harder to find. And in all honesty, I think "no thongs" is a fairly rational request. I'd put it on mine. Everything from "the Simpsons" to things I hear in the real world seem to imply that they are uncomfortable and annoying. This blog has officially been hijacked by underwear!!! One more thing to cross off list of things I want to do before I die.

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