Happy birthday to me

Monday December 19, 2005 at 9:00am birthdays Comments (2) »

Well, yesterday was my birthday. I'm now officially 26. We got to play The Penguin Ultimatum for the first time last night. That's a fun little game.

The next couple of weeks are, as expected, going to be pretty much taken up with holidayish stuff - finishing shopping, traveling, etc. Things probably won't return to normal till the beginning of next year. Fun times.


The Evilest Penguin says...

But there was cheesecake. :)

Mak says...

I like cheesecake. But on a more relevant note, it appears as though I've missed another birthday. Well, here's to hoping belated that you had a great day, and that the Society of Missed Birthdays will accept my immediate and permanent resignation (I've tried before, but their similar to spam in nature; they will never truly go away) Happy Birthday J!

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