Presuming the existence of a loop...

Sunday January 1, 2006 at 10:35pm travel, holidays Comments (0) »

...i'm pretty sure i was out of it.

Anyway, we're back in TN again. The world seems to be returning to normal after it's brief yearly lapse. It's a bit of a weird thing to get back into a routine after being out of one for more than a week.

Our trip was a good one though. We got to see just about everyone we knew in IN and OH. There are some photos of it in the photo gallery.

We are, however, having a bit of difficulty finding places to put all our new stuff. Our game shelf that wasn't quite big enough now really isn't big enough.

When you can describe your closet by saying 'what goes in doesn't come out', it might be time to clean it out. It sounded like a good new-years-resolutiony kind of thing to do, so i did it. I think i have equalized the Gross Gifts Gain by getting rid of a bunch of junk, so i think the collective mass of the rabbit hole has remained fairly uniform through the season.


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