GM Syndrome

Monday January 16, 2006 at 10:11am gaming Comments (4) »

So i've discovered that being a regular rp GM has given me some sort of complex.

Last friday at the coffeehouse, Sam brought a new board game we'd been wanting to play - Dread Pirate. It's a fun little game, but for some reason, it just wasn't enough. Maybe it was because we were supposed to have had an rp session that night that was called because one of the players couldn't make it. I was already in the GM-use-the-rules-as-you-like mode.

Really, all Sam & I did was tweak a couple of the rules for realism - something i do all the time while GM-ing, but it's not something normal* people generally do when playing board games.

Since that time, Sam & I have thought up several other variations on the game and have grand schemes as to how involved this game could possibly get.

*This topic seems to be recurring - e.g., the Chicken Nugget Thesis and Photoshop Toast v1.0


Llama says...

How is Shadowy Munchkin Ticket over Carcassone doing?

Penguinsushi says...

Ninja Munchkin Ticket To Carcassone Production Update: Things are comeing along just great. So far we have only hit one major snag: and that is... ...i haven't... ...made Ninja Munchkin Ticket To Carcassone yet. Yeah, I've kinda done a little redesign and haven't had a chance to work on it for quite a while. ~PS

Llama says...

So, besides the wind rules (which weren't terribly complicated, I was just frustrated because i was about to be hung by sharks when I was so close to being the dread pirate) what other changes did you make to the game?

Penguinsushi says...

Well, we had talked about modifying the surrender/mutiny rules (which we didn't use that time), and some stuff about capturing other player's ships and forming landing parties. ~PS

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