Our Savior?

Friday May 5, 2006 at 12:32am church signs Comments (1) »

ok, so i gave them a chance. i let this go a whole 2 days without saying anything, but it's just too much now.

On my way into Erwin for band practice on tuesday and thursday this week, i pass a little church across from a shopping center. This church always has really bad/cheesy messages on it's sign. (Not that all church sign messages aren't bad/cheesy, but still...) Some of you might remember a post i put up entitled "god == demeter?" about a year ago. Same church.

Their sign currently reads:

Let Us Worship
Pastor Mike Bishop


The Evilest Penguin says...

Hmmm, someone needs to have a talk with Pastor Bishop about his obvious God complex. ;) Speaking of church signs... go here. Have fun.

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