Kevin, Birthday, Duke, Apple

Tuesday May 30, 2006 at 10:31am travel, birthdays Comments (2) »

Yesterday Ginger, Tony, Sheri and I embarked on what would be a near-epic adventure to Durham to visit Kevin for his birthday.

Conspiring with some local friends of his - Joe and Amy - we showed up at his apartment around 1pm - much to his surprise. We told him to change out of his penguin pj's and come outside for a cookout we were having. We generally spent the afternoon eating, talking and playing frisbee.

After the cookout, the six of us went to look around Duke's campus and buildings. We got to walk around in the amazing cathedral-style chapel and the div-school building(s). We stopped to examine both of Hauerwas' office doors - which are plastered with all manner of interesting stickers, photos and other strange and humorous artifacts. We had a brief encounter with Dr. Hall, who is very friendly and regretted not having time to talk to us for long. It was amusing to hear her harass kevin a little - leaving him with nothing to say (which is a bit extraordinary in and of itself).

After leaving the div-school, we drove over to Durham's mall (which, as we discussed, is a real mall, as opposed to the little thing we have here in JC) and to the Apple store, where my desire to in some fashion purchase a mac was further and greatly reinforced. Alas, i must see to house-related stuff first.


The Evilest Penguin says...

I'd never met her before, but I've been wanting to. She does that often, leaves Kevin speechless. And did you see the bubble-gum pink bicycle just inside the door of her office? She called all the Ekklesia Project members "cross-dressers for Jesus" once. (Dr. Amy-Laura Hall, by the way, teaches sexuality and Christian ethics and, according to Kevin, is going to take Duke by storm once she's firmly tenured.)

Penguinsushi says...

No, i didn't see the bicycle, but it somehow doesn't surprise me. She seemed like a very interesting person. Also very animated and engaging. The brief encounter made me miss getting to hang around professors like that... ~PS

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