Who comes up with this stuff?

Thursday October 12, 2006 at 11:34am video games Comments (2) »

So, as of last night, I have been introduced to a video game called Katamari Damacy. Odd. Little. Game. I am noticing a trend however: those games with the most ridiculous premises (see also: Ape Escape, Sheep) tend to be some of the most fun to play.

In this game, you play the son of the King of the Cosmos. Seems his celestialness has destroyed all the stars in the night sky, and you have to put them back. How does one do this you ask? Why, the answer is simple - roll a sticky ball around and collect as many things as you can (tacks, dice, flowerpots, dogs, people, cars, pieces of buildings), and launch it into space.

As tony said, "It's nice to know that LSD users can still find work in society."


Llama says...

I think that's at least 2 people besides me that are addicted to the game now. We need more PS2's to go around.

Penguinsushi says...

I fear i shall never make a 12m katamari ~PS

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