Work Zone, pt. II

Tuesday January 30, 2007 at 10:22am our house Comments (1) »

Once again, our house is under construction. Well, sort of.

As of last night, I've begun the second of our 8 or so house projects. The objective this time is to repair and paint the hallway and bathroom. Basically what needs done is filling some cracks, smoothing out some drywall, priming and painting. The colors I've picked out are a sort of tan and brown - which i think will contrast the green in the livingroom nicely.

I'll be doing my best to document this process online in the 'our house' gallery.


The Bunguin Queen says...

I'm excited that he's finally 'in the mood' to start on the hallway and the bathroom.--Especially the bathroom, so we'll be able to hang some towel racks etc. It'll be great!

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