New Old Friends

Tuesday April 17, 2007 at 3:42pm friends, gaming, food Comments (2) »

So I got to have lunch with Ken today. (aka Raldor, aka WiseTurtle)

It's always interesting to spend some time hanging out with someone you used to see pretty regularly but (for whatever reason) haven't seen in a few years.

So we talked about work and OoTS and friends and gaming over some Funny Name sandwiches. It was really cool. I'm looking forward to him coming to game with us. It's been a while...


Llama says...

Did he bring his daughter? She's more adorable than he is. I want him to game, too. He's great at writing up death scenes.

Penguinsushi says...

Alas he did not - and the pics on his site are really old. ~PS

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