And they couldn't even see her...

Thursday October 11, 2007 at 5:32pm funny Comments (5) »

Sheri needs a blog. Really. But since she doesn't have one, i'm going to write this one up.

We just got a phone call, which she answered. It went something like this.

Sheri: Hello?

Woman: Ms Shoemaker?

Sheri: Yes?

Woman: I'm [name] from the Johnson City Police Lodge. How are you today?

Sheri: ...I'm fine...

Woman: Well good... Are your parents home?

Sheri: ...uhm I'm sorry, no they're not...

Woman: Oh, ok. Thanks. Bye. [hangs up]

Now, at this point, sheri starts laughing hysterically.

So she wants to know: is she evil?


The Evilest Penguin says...

All indications point to "yes."

The Bunguin Queen says...

I didn't mean to be evil.... And it WAS the truth!

The Evilest Penguin says...

And you were a whole lot nicer to her than I am to those poor telemarketers who mistakenly call me "Mrs."

Llama says...

Well done. Honest and escaped the trap that was being laid.

The Bunguin Queen says...

...Ging, what DID you do to those poor *defenseless* telemarketers who made the unfortunate mistake of calling you Mrs.? ...we're waiting with bated breath!

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