The Age of Loneliness

Saturday October 13, 2007 at 10:55am thinking too much Comments (1) »

Yesterday evening we had some people over for a game. As we also have a game tonight (busy gaming weekend), I thought I should go to the grocery and get some extra soda and snacks. Our gaming sessions are very social events, and I was looking forward to spending some time with some friends - goofing off and playing through a story.

Oh, and enjoying some soda, of course.

As I was driving home, something sort of occurred to me, and I thought it was a little sad: I'd managed to drive to the store, get my stuff, check out, and drive home without so much as saying 'hi' to another human being.

I usually don't use the self-checkouts, but it was particularly crowded, i needed to get back before game time, and there was no one (as usual) at the self-checkout lanes - so I yielded to the lure of the cold technology.

I often wonder if the lack of human interaction (or the various degrees of separation thereof) that seems to come from increases in technology is merely a byproduct of such 'progress', or if it is actually a motivation of our collective subconscious not to be 'bothered' by others if we don't wish to be - stemming from our own insecurities...


Acceptableloss says...

I would call it progress to be able to obtain items at the grocery store without being forced into human interaction in the checkout lane. But then again, I am probably a bit more cynical than the average person. I do love those self check lanes tho...

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