Dice + Boxes + OCD

Monday March 31, 2008 at 12:01pm gaming Comments (2) »
Dice + Boxes + OCD Image

or "i am a geek, part XXVI"

I like dice. I like boxes. I can be a little obsessive/compulsive about organizing certain things (certain things. Other things I couldn't care less about. See: my office closet).

So, after a tip from Sheri's mom, I went to the fishing section at wal-mart (you can see why i needed the tip - why else would I be there?) and got a new dice/pencil/marker container. Some people apparently call it a 'tackle box'.

This $4 box can neatly separate all my dice by type (or color, or texture i suppose - though that would be somewhat less useful) in adjustable compartments and also has room to hold my dry-erase markers and pencils. Point is, it keeps all my 'loose' gaming stuff together, making it a lot easier to carry or pack into a bag with books, etc.

So yeah, I think it's pretty cool. I thought I'd post it up here to pass along the idea in case anyone else likes it. Oh, and because it was another thing to take a picture of and post on my site - cause that's sort of an end in itself these days. ;-)


Zeb The Troll says...

Okay, that's cool. I may have to do something similar. Fishing section at Wal-Mart. Huh. I didn't even know they -had- a fishing section. 8-)

Penguinsushi says...

well, this *is* TN - i think the Gap has a fishing section down here... ;) ~PS

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