He took a dog to the leg at 30mph

Monday August 18, 2008 at 5:25am injuries, afraid Comments (11) »

Well, i'm back on the disabled list.

So we got home last night after sheri's choir practice where i wrote the last blog entry - wherein pretty much everything was fine - and I had taken ally out into the yard to make sure she didn't have to do anything before bringing her back into the house. She was really wound up since we'd been gone all day, and was crazily running around in circles like some sort of doggy 500. It was quite amusing...to a very specific point. I guess i should have been paying more attention, but really, even if i had been, I never would have guessed this could happen.

As I was standing there, letting the dog run around like crazy, she ran *into* me. This isn't all that unusual for her - she runs into things with some regularity - quite hard, sometimes. Well, this time was hard alright - and it just so happened to be squarely on the calf muscle i strained a few weeks ago. Despite the fact that my calf had recovered such that it was only slightly sore once in a while, and the fact that it felt perfectly fine at the time, I went down.

It's now been about 10 hours, and it still hurts so bad when it moves at all - much worse than it did even the first time i injured it. In fact, it hurts more than any injury i can ever remember having. Ever. It has nearly made me physically ill just from the pain at times. Whatever i strained/bruised/stretched before feels like it has now been ripped/torn/broken completely.

For now, i'm sitting out on the couch trying to move it as little as possible and still remain in a comfortable position (difficult for someone as fidgety as me). I think we're going to the clinic later. I *hate* going to get medical care, but i'm afraid something is very wrong and it's not getting the slightest bit better (so far) on its own. Honestly, i'm quite scared i'm going to be immobile for a long time and/or need surgery or something.

Please pray for me.


Alarra says...

Oh hun, wow..poor thing. *brings sushi an extra pillow to rest his leg upon and a cup of healing soup* I hope it's less bad than you fear.

hippie says...

Let us know if you need us to bring you anything... since we're the closest now. ;)

Cameron says...

Yeah, lemme know if you need anything. I'll call Robb if you do. ;) Hope you feel better bro!

Penguinsushi says...

Thanks, guys. :) Well, after spending a few hours at the ER yesterday, it's been determined that I didn't break anything, and it's just a bad sprain. I've got a wrap and some muscle relaxers and some pain meds (which i'm still not sure are helping much) and was told that if it doesn't start improving in 3-5 days i should go see someone in orthopedics. I think it is doing a little better. ~PS

Zeb The Troll says...

Glad to hear it's not as bad as you thought it might be. Still sucks to be on the DL though. I've got a feeling you'll be up and around in no time.

LLama says...

Glad to hear you're doing better. Wow. I'm sorry to hear about this, my friend. Can I get you anything??

Zeb The Troll says...

In other news, this ought to cheer you up, I got you a present from GenCon. I'll PM you for your address, but you are now (or soon will be anyway) the proud owner of an autographed copy of Gamers II. All of Dead Gentlemen were at the Paizo booth signing copies when I picked up yours for you. 8-D

Penguinsushi says...

!!!!!! You. Are. My. HERO(s). :-D ~PS

Evil Penguin says...

You know, while you're on the injured list you could read the book you're post title is parodying. :-D

LLama says...

He's parodying a book?

Evil Penguin says...

The phrase "He took a duck to the face at 60 knots" comes from the book Pattern Recognition. Good book. :)

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