Steamnerf pt II

Monday October 20, 2008 at 6:16pm nerf, projects Comments (2) »
Steamnerf pt II Image

My first Steamnerf project has been completed. The gun is a little short of perfect on the functional scale, but it looks awesome and i'm quite happy with it. The trigger sticks a little (which i'm kind of hoping will solve itself in time) and the light site's timing is a little off as it doesn't illuminate until *after* the shot has been fired (not terribly helpful - but the thing itself is kinda lame imo). They're generally fixable problems, but i'm not sure how much i care at this moment.

For a first attempt, i'm quite happy with how it has turned out & I've made a Steamnerf album on the gallery page with a few more pics of the finished product. I'm hoping my next nerf mod project - Vash's gun - which is currently underway - turns out at least as good as this one has.


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