The Ghosts of Games Past, Present and Future

Thursday June 7, 2012 at 11:14pm gaming Comments (0) »
The Ghosts of Games Past, Present and Future Image

I've been working a bit on the Little Fears game I'm going to be running for the playgrounders at our annual meetup at the end June.  This is a little teaser I posted up on the forum for those signed up to play.

The rules set I'll be using for it is an unofficial "version 1.5" I've blogged about before.  I've made a couple more tweaks to the system, but it's essentially the original game with a bit of a facelift.

I ran a session of Bot v0.2 for our sunday group last weekend.  I'd never run a game for that group before, so that was a new experience.  That went ok, but since the game is a homebrew I've only run a couple of times before, we were (I was) a little foggy on some of the rules - which made parts of it a little awkward.  I think it was a mostly fun session though.  They agreed to play it again this weekend, so I've got some more work to do on that.  Hopefully this second half will have a nice kick.  

For this game I had made some cool-looking character cards as well as cards for the various devices, etc.  Also, we use counters to keep track of certain, expendable/replenishing resources.  I'm finding that I enjoy adding interesting visual elements to games.  Not so much props or pictures of stuff, but taking a little extra time to make character sheets that have a certain, thematic look to them - or interesting bits of fluff or info like the camp letter.  I think it really adds something to the feel of the game, even being as "meta" in nature as it is.

My Star Wars game, Shards of Endor, was brought to a mostly-successful conclusion a couple of weeks ago.  The last session was, overall, interesting and engaging, but I/we think it might have started to run out of steam at the end.  I'm starting to think we start to run out of energy after about 9pm.  I haven't found a vehicle combat system I've liked, so I tried something a little more narrative for the final starfight.  I think it partially worked, but I'm not completely happy with how it played out - at least it terms of climax.  I think the game ended in a logical, "realistic" fashion - but it wasn't necessarily a 10 on "exciting".  The game is meant to be continued at some point though, and I deliberately left some open hooks in each of the PCs stories.  It will be fun to pick up again after a while.  I think next we're going to try a World of Darkness game - with my own spin, as usual.  Also, I'm planning to make it pretty sandboxy, with lots of different opportunities for the players to pursue.

I found a copy of Spirit of the Century at Mr. K's the other day.  That was unexpected and cool.  I think Tony and Adam would really enjoy that game in particular, and I know I really loved the session I played at Thanksgaming a couple of years ago.

And I still want to run Mouse Guard for a group someday.



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