London 1802: Inner Demons

Monday September 13, 2010 at 5:30pm world of darkness, london 1802, game session notes Comments (0) »

The group spent the rest of the evening discussing what Katherine may or may not have "seen" in the alleyway on the Isle of Dogs. Afterward, they all decided to call it a night.

The next morning, they discussed what they should do next. Eventually, they decided to revisit the site in daylight. When they walked out the front door, however, their plans were amended.

Looking eastward across the city, they saw several large columns of smoke rising from the vague area of the docks district into the overcast sky. Deciding time was now of the essence, they called for Molly's carriage and drove quickly toward the source of the problem.

As they made their way further east, the chaos in the streets became more and more intense and the driver had some difficulty maneuvering the carriage through some intersections. At last, it could go no further with any degree of safety, so the group decided to continue on foot.

They were hurrying through a narrow street when they saw a large, burly sailor run up to a shop window and heave a large chunk of cobblestone through its front window. Two other sailors were running up the street behind him. All three of them looked completely maddened, their bloodshot eyes wide but largely un-seeing. Shouts rang out from inside the shop and there was a loud CRACK as a musket shot blew a hole in the large man's side. He stumbled backward momentarily, but the grievous wound did not seem to deter him and he smashed through the front door and into the shop.

George, Gerald and Robert all moved forward, pulling weapons and trying to get the sailors' attention. As the others engaged, Katherine sensed something odd about the sailors. She unfocused her eyes to peer into the realm of the spirit and what she saw startled her. Grotesque, demon-like, ephemeral beings were clinging to the sailors, wrapping their skeletal arms around the sailors' chests while their mouths of sharp, jagged teeth whispered incomprehensible horrors into the sailors' ears.

Katherine shouted to Gerald that the sailors were possessed. After a further moment's thought, she took the pistol Molly had pulled from her purse. Concentrating hard, she "pushed" her arm into the spirit realm. Molly gasped and the sailor's eyes momentarily widened with incredulity: Katherine's forearm - and the pistol she held - had become and eerie skeletal green.

Katherine pulled the trigger. There was a bright green flash and a muted popping sound, but only Katherine could see the bright streak which hit the demon-like spirit, blasting it backward off the sailor's back - a gaping wound in its shoulder now oozing a thick, silvery liquid. The being stared coldly at Katherine.

Inside the shop, George had run up on the large man, leaped onto his back and pulled a crowbar backward into his neck. The large man struggled briefly, but began to give in very quickly. Rage had overcome George and even as the man collapsed, George took his crowbar and began bashing the unconscious man's head into a bloody mess.

Katherine saw the spirit detach itself from the massive sailor's back and reach its incorporeal, clawed hands into George's chest, closing them around his heart. George sudden grabbed his chest, gasped, and collapsed on the shop floor next to the dead sailor. Katherine saw the demon-spirits disappear. The shop-keeper was horrified. Gerald hurriedly approached George's unconscious form. He turned him over and began trying to ascertain his condition. Gerald reflexively began shouting demands for medical equipment, none of which was available. Finally, he looked up at the others. "He's dead."

The others of the group stared at him in disbelief. The shopkeeper gave a little whimper. Time seemed to slow a little as they each looked to one another for what they should do next. Then, George sat up. He didn't gasp for breath, nor did he seem particularly agitated - in fact, he was quite calm. He looked around at the group staring at him questioningly.

" were dead, George.", Katherine said, "I reach into you and crush your heart..."

George chuckled, "You are quite the story-teller, miss Katherine..."

As they were re-composing themselves, one of the Bow Street Runners appeared in the shop doorway. "Is everything alright in here?" Even as he was asking, he was able to see the answer to his question. The Runner grimaced. "Ok," he continued, "You, you and you - come with me." He pointed to George, Robert and Gerald, "The fires are spreading..." The group hurried on toward the east with the Runner.

The men were conscripted into the various fire brigades attempting to contain the unexplained blazes. Molly and Katherine were asked to return to their homes and let the men take care of the problem several times, but in the chaos, the gender separation was somewhat trumped by necessity.

The rest of the day was spent trying with little success to fight the blazes. Much of the effort was simply to keep it from spreading to new areas. In the early evening, the slate sky finally decided to begin to rain and it was only then that the fire-fighting efforts began to succeed.

It was after nightfall when the group finally walked back toward the bathhouse in the pouring rain. As they opened they entered the front door, they noted an eerie silence. Moving into the large living area of the house, they found all of the occupants crowded against the walls at the edges of the room, staring with a mix of horror and curiosity at the center of the room.

On one of the couches near the middle of the room sat a young girl with dark hair wearing a long, simple white dress. She was exceptionally pale - in fact, it seemed as though her form contained no color at all. except for a brilliant red flower in her hair above her right ear. She was holding a saucer and sipping a small cup of tea.

When the group cautiously moved into the room, the girl looked up. Seeing, Robert, she smiled. She seemed to speak, but her mouth moved without creating any sound. Several of the others in the room gasped. Robert, however, heard her voice clearly: "Oh, you're back. They told me I'd find you here. I was wondering, have you seen Lance?"

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