New Auburn Chronicle: Once Bitten

 World of Darkness artwork © White Wolf Publishing
World of Darkness artwork © White Wolf Publishing

- Emory and Jordan begin noticing increasing webbing in the closet they're hiding in, though they see no spiders.  Emory is brushed by something a couple of times and ultimately "attacked", receiving two, painless puncture wounds coated with an orange-red goo - accompanied by sudden hallucinations of eyes, a strange warmth, and some senses.  Jordan frantically re-jimmys the door to permit their escape, slamming it shut behind them.

- The group re-assembles back at Jordan's apartment, where Aaron and Sara try to assist in treating Emory's wounds under her direction.  They turn out to be much worse than suspected, however, and the efforts cause Emory to weaken dramatically.  They do manage to get her somewhat stabilized and decide it's time to go to the ER.

- While Sara and Aaron take Emory to the hospital, Carter and Jordan head to the City Square Park to look at the New Tree Monument.  Carter notices that the negative spaces between the branches of the stylized tree form symbols associated with the tribes that once inhabited this area - and that one of them was slightly mis-formed: the sculpture had been vandalized about a year and a half ago and "restored" about six months later...though, apparently, not completely.

- Jordan heads to the studio around midnight to do his show, which he gives a spider theme for the evening.  Several interesting stories are called in, including a china doll that wraps itself in webs, an abandoned building full of webs containing dead animals, webs appearing in hospital rooms seeming to indicate a sudden patient death, and a kid who said he saw a giant spider "belonging" to an old man in a suit.  As the show is concluding, he notes a strange web in the corner of his studio and the reflection of a large shadow behind him...

- +3xp

Llama says...

In hindsight, Sara should have tried to fix up Emery. Aaron's head was not in it after the events of the day. No wonder he botched it so badly. (I.E. Sheri still had willpower to use) Another well done session my friend.

Penguinsushi says...

While that would also have been thematic, I think the way it played out was cool and very believable. Medicine is difficult, and she was badly injured (for all she didn't feel like it). That entire chain of events really worked for me. Also, I need to remember to message you some info from the hospital...

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