Delcron 2282: Corruptive Agent

Friday November 15, 2019 at 8:30pm savage worlds, delcron 2282, game session notes Comments (0) »
 Savage Worlds artwork © Pinnacle Entertainment Group
Savage Worlds artwork © Pinnacle Entertainment Group

- Having received multiple messages from Rory about the state of the case, the made arrangements to meet him for their payoff the next day.  They finally managed to break on of the cases open.  Inside they found 32 vials of some substance and an injector.

- Deciding to see what "Justin Mills" wanted in his message to Mario, the group headed over to the address at 3am.  The location turned out to be an old Ullertech warehouse.  The guards outside didn't know anything about "Justin".  As they were leaving, a 12 foot monstrosity emerged from the shadows and began smashing its way into the facility.

- As the firefight began, the group retreated to a "safe" observing distance, where they happened upon a young woman videotaping the scene.  Sara was able to assess that she was related to the media/press in some way.

- The creature did a lot of damage, took a lot of gunfire, and limped away.  The group followed it an eventually found it collapsed and apparently dead in an alleyway much further into the Old Harbor district.

- The following day, the met with Rory to give him the untouched case, and told him they were gravely concerned about what was inside.  He gave them their payoff, and they left.

- The group received a message on their ghost card indicating another time and passphrase, but the fact that it didn't seem to originate from their contact at the DCPD concerned them.

- V told the rest of the group that he suspects the whole thing to be the work of corrupt corporations - Proto-Nine, and the defunct Aethercorp that they suspect "Justin" is working for.  His aim is to bring them all down somehow.  And Sara tells them that she had received another message from the Watchful - the "resistance" group that seemed to have a similar aim...

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