Black Foxes: Playing Your Cards Right pt. I

Thursday December 5, 2019 at 8:30pm blades in the dark, black foxes, game session notes Comments (0) »
 Artwork © Evil Hat Productions and Square Enix
Artwork © Evil Hat Productions and Square Enix

- The Foxes laid low for a couple of days before again resuming operations.  They had an encounter with the Stone Club's gang in Fenwell Hook that kind of ended in a stalemate.  Tellis reappeared and gave them a couple of tips including the location of the Club's hideout and the name of an individual that runs their gambling racket.  He also told them that taking out the face of the org wouldn't be enough - if they wanted to cripple the Stone Club, they would need to deal with the leader of the gang - a man by the name of Dauch.

- Though running out of time on several commitments and opportunities, the Foxes decided they needed to press their advantage against the Stone Club.  Coming to the conclusion that direct confrontation was not their forte, the crew decided to undermine the Club's financial situation by convincing the gambling tychoon to switch allegiances.

- After doing some legwork, the found out that Merson participates in a card game with some other locals once a week at the Black Circle Tavern in the north of the district.  The establishment seemed to be a bit more high-brow than they were accustomed to and, once inside, they also found it difficult to navigate.  A strange shadowy darkness seemed to fill all of the spaces between the table, making it very difficult to identify any other parties present...

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