Cyrran Reaches: Enemy Within

Wednesday January 15, 2020 at 8:30pm d&d, cyrran reaches, game session notes Comments (0) »
 Dungeons & Dragons artwork © Wizards of the Coast 
Dungeons & Dragons artwork © Wizards of the Coast 

- On his way to meet the others at the temple where Rothan had awakened, Kael was met by Eliot Jaand of the Watch and told that the Prime wanted to speak with them.  She would be at a tavern in the south market district from noon.  They should be as inconspicuous as possible.  After the group finished talking with Rothan, the decided to go see what this was about.

- While Lily, Ravina, and Tyrrox waited outside in the busy market, Taryn and Kael went into Sasha's Tavern.  They made acquaintances with the bartender and the owner herself before Respina arrived.  The Watch Prime told them that she had grave concerns: someone was attempting to undermine their efforts to prepare the city for the orc horde.  There was a evidence of sabotage in several areas and she was suspicious of the origin of whatever malady had afflicted the Constable and his Second.  She was planning to recommend the city be magically sealed but needed someone she could trust to investigate to find the culprits.

- During this conversation, a couple of thugs entered the tavern and began harassing the owner.  Taryn noticed what appeared to be the bottom of a Many Eyes, Many Teeth insignia tattooed on the back of one man's neck...

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