Delcron 2282: Which Pieces Fit

Friday February 7, 2020 at 9:00pm savage worlds, delcron 2282, game session notes Comments (0) »
 Savage Worlds artwork © Pinnacle Entertainment Group
Savage Worlds artwork © Pinnacle Entertainment Group

- While V went to meet with Marion Plaskov to inquire further about the Watchful, Kendra, Mario and Sara went to meet their employer and make the delivery.  This went without incident: their contact, Hwan Byeong, was impressed with their performance and the group walked away with another 80k along with the suggestion that future contracts might be considered.

- V wasn't able to get much out of Plaskov other than the fact that he'd been hired by someone to hit the armored van.  He was hesistant to mention the Watchful or any of their activities.  He implied that they might be able to speak more freely in a legal environment, and V gave him his contact information so that this might be arranged.

- V was contacted by his old coworker Rory who had become aware of the disarray in the Proto-Nine HQ.  He wanted to know if V knew anything about it, and the two talked a little about what the group had seen when they broke into the facility.  V offered Rory some pay to stay at P9, do some prying, and report on anything he might be able to find out about what had been happening.

- Delpub was airing more news on "monster" sitings as well as Corvin-Systova's rebuttal to Ullertech's assertions that they were behind the incidents.

- Sara tried again to contact whatever disturbed mind was sending out the psychic shrieking she and other members of Delphi had perceived.  The target seemed to be a child, probably a girl between the ages of 9 and 13.  While solid contact proved elusive, she was able to send a simple telepathic message asking "what did you lose?".  She was met immediately with a mental shout showing a man and a woman, whom Sara suspects might be the girl's parents.  Calling V over, she shared their images with him and asked if he could find anything about them.  Initial searches, however, turned up nothing.  A few days later, she was able to contact the girl again - this time while she was asleep.  From the disorienting dream-mind, Sara was able to extract her name: Ryma Forsben.

- The group received another message on their ghost card for another meeting...

- +3xp

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