Lost Talisman: Foul Ruin pt. II

Saturday November 28, 2020 at 2:00pm d&d, lost talisman, game session notes Comments (0) »
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Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Ed. logo © Wizards of the Coast

- Iris & Ivy descended into the ruin of the tower and the caverns beneath it - encountering a carrion crawler and the ghost of a goblin warrior tied to a magic sword.  The ghost wasn't happy to see they were elves, but told them they could keep her sword if they killed the ogre who dwelled in the caverns.

- The two ended up finding and destroying the ogre, who turned out to be a servant of Erythnul, in some kind of old throne room.  There they also found a chest full of treasure.

- As they emerged from the ruin, they found a group of goblins waiting for them...

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