Mouse Guard 1156: Unanswered Questions

Saturday March 27, 2021 at 8:30pm fate core, mouse guard 1156, game session notes Comments (0) »
 Mouse Guard artwork © David Petersen. Fate logo © Evil Hat Productions
Mouse Guard artwork © David Petersen. Fate logo © Evil Hat Productions

- As the mink rose from the pond, the group attempted to hide with only partial success.  The creature bore down on them, demanding to know who they were and why they were there.  Clove was nearly captured, but in the end the three managed to make their escape.

- Retuning to the Blue Thistle Inn, they found Nendole already tending to the sick mouse, though she didn't seem terribly interested in the moss they'd gathered.  As she tried to leave, Hakett lost his temper and grabbed her, causing her to shriek until his patrol mates freed her.

- Having seen to Tom as much as they could, the patrol left Copperwood heading back to Elmoss.  They hoped to find some sign of Tom's wife Vereena, but none was found.

- When they arrived at Elmoss, they found that the settlement had been "closed" - and was no longer recognizing or allowing entry to Guardmice...

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