Office Closet Cleanup: More Than Half Done

Saturday April 19, 2008 at 1:14pm cleaning, junk Comments (1) »
Office Closet Cleanup: More Than Half Done Image

I was looking for something the other day and was unable to find it in my closet.

Big surprise.

So I decided to (finally) begin the massive undertaking that was cleaning out my closet. After about 3 hours, I was a bit more than half done, but ready to call the operation off for a while. There's still a few boxes on the top shelf i need to go through...

Still, the office closet looks at least 327% better, and I know where stuff is now (which has the added bonus of preventing things from falling on my head while looking).

The picture shown is roughly a third of the former contents of the closet. A lot of it got boxed up and put downstairs or just thrown away. Mostly what was in there was *ton* of old/useless/semi-functional computer parts that are boxed up and i'm still deciding what to do with and at least as many old cds (burnt & otherwise), some of which were unidentifiable. I even found an old mix cd kev & i made our sophomore year at milligan.

Anyway, its almost a usable space now. Hopefully i'll get the chance/motivation to finish it up sometime soon.