Stuff Breaks

Friday September 8, 2006 at 9:47am technology, thinking too much Comments (0) »

It occurs to me that i really shouldn't be surprised when my stuff develops some sort of problem. I am so reliant on technology, and technology is so at the mercy of the world around it (for which is very seldom prepared) that the breaking down of stuff is inevitable.

Further, the liklihood of all my stuff being completely functional at any given time is virtually nill.

In short, the struggle to keep certain things working even as other things need fixing should be a natural state - something I am used to.

Yet I am not. I get very frustrated when my stuff doesn't work the way it's 'supposed to', even though, if i really think about it, its eventual breakdown is an unescapable aspect of its operational matrix - i.e., something it is, in fact, 'supposed' to do.

Not that this is the first time i've realized this paradox, nor its stating likely to keep me from getting just as frustrated as my stuff continues to break, but i sometimes think reminding myself of these obvious principles of technology is the only thing that keeps me from forswearing it completely.


Leaving the dark ages

Friday November 11, 2005 at 6:07pm technology Comments (1) »

Well folks, it was bound to happen. Due to work, our little IT company is now short one staff member (3 - 1 = 2). It was a friendly parting, just a sort of a personality clash that ultimately made things too difficult.

That, however, is not what was 'bound to happen' (though, in retrospect, it was bound to happen).

When Brian left, i inherited his cell phone. Yes, you read right - i now i have a cell phone. Warren's exact words to me on the matter were "It's yours now - make it your own". Yeah, my boss is cool.

So now i have to learn stuff about how cell phones work. It only took me 15 minutes to figure out how to delete people i didn't know from the phone book. Yeah, i'm just that cool.

I also have to do things like remember i have one and turn it off at appropriate times so i'm not one of those annoying people.

Anyway, I have unlimited calling as long as i'm in the tri-cities area. The number is posted in the General Forum for those of you who are members of this site.

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